Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis with folk remedies can be used as an adjunct to the main therapy or after its completion, in the phase of stable remission.
Homemade tinctures and rubbing work well to relieve discomfort and less severe pain, as well as to relieve morning stiffness. They have a mild analgesic, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect.
General Rules
To make the effect of traditional medicine as effective as possible, it is better to agree in advance with your doctor about prescriptions. This will serve as a guarantee of safety and suitability of home methods. In addition, even seemingly harmless herbal infusions and compresses can distort the effect of pharmaceutical preparations and increase the risk of side effects.
Components with fairly high toxicity should be used with special care - for example, kerosene, as well as unknown plants and plants whose names are not in medical manuals.
Homemade ointments and lotions are only effective for mild to moderate pain. It will help alleviate pain caused by weather changes, heavy physical exertion or hypothermia. However, traditional methods of treatment are not able to restore damaged vertebrae and intervertebral discs.
Typical symptoms: How to recognize chondrosis
Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is accompanied by symptoms that are difficult to miss. Even in the early stages it can manifest:
- discomfort and pain in the neck, nape, arm and shoulder girdle. The exact location and intensity of the pain depends on the location of the lesion;
- decreased sensitivity and numbness, which is more often noticed in the hands, especially in the hands;
- decrease in muscle strength and tone.
In addition to the above, symptoms of autonomic disorders may occur - increased sweating, redness or pallor of the skin, swelling of the muscles and chest pain. The latter are often mistaken for heart problems, so many patients seek help from a cardiologist first.
If compression of the vertebral artery occurs, then headache and dizziness, noise or tinnitus, a lump in the throat and difficulty swallowing occur. In rare cases, nausea and vomiting are possible.
How to treat

Various ointments, rubs, compresses, lotions, as well as infusions and decoctions for oral use are used to treat osteochondrosis at home. Massage sessions and exercises will help increase the effectiveness of the therapy.
It is recommended to perform a tolerance test before starting treatment, especially if you are prone to allergic reactions. The amount of pea grains is applied to the elbow or wrist. If after an hour there is no redness, itching or other signs of allergy, then the procedure can be safely performed.
Oral agents - decoctions or infusions - take half a teaspoon first. Therapy is continued in the absence of symptoms such as nausea, heartburn, bloating, headache or increased blood pressure.
Quick Pain Relief Techniques
Several medications can be used to quickly resolve sudden onset pain:
- rub sore spots with vodka or alcohol diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1;
- glue the pepper glue for half an hour. If the pain persists, you can hold it for another twenty minutes and then remove it;
- make a compress on the neck with turpentine diluted with half warm water;
- gather sea salt or herbs - chamomile, sage, mint. The bath water must not be hot;
- attach a cabbage leaf to the sore spot, rubbing lightly with laundry soap;
- apply mustard plasters for ten to fifteen minutes;
- do a self-massage by pressing on the pain for three minutes.
ATTENTION:only pharmaceutical, not industrial turpentine is used in folk medicine. It can also be called "turpentine oil", which is prescribed for neuralgia, myalgia (muscle pain), lumbar lumbago and rheumatism.
Various rubs based on medicinal herbs and pharmaceuticals are widely used for cervical chondrosis. One of the best and most popular are crushed painkillers. There are several similar recipes, and here is one of them:
- Crush 5 tablets of anesthetic;
- pour about 2/3 cup of alcohol into them;
- add 5 milliliters of camphor.
After thorough mixing, apply to the skin over the affected areas for 7-10 days.
WARNING:Avoid cervical lymph node area during rubbing.
Mother and stepmother
1/3 of the plant is placed in a dark glass jar, vodka is added on top and removed to infuse for a month. The container is shaken every day to release nutrients faster. You do not need to filter the product; used for rubbing when discomfort occurs.
Horseradish and elderberry
In a half-liter glass jar, put a leaf and one chopped horseradish root, 3 tablespoons of elderberry and pour all this with alcohol, filling the jar to the shoulders. Insist for a month, then use to rub. In case of strong combustion, you can dilute the mixture with water. This tincture relieves painful sensations well, especially after hypothermia.
Compressions and applications
Medical applications and compresses for cervical osteochondrosis improve blood circulation to the damaged segment, relieve stiffness and heaviness in the neck. They are prepared from herbs, flowers and rhizomes of various plants, and honey and vegetables.
Dissolve 1 tablespoon of kerosene in half a glass of heated water, moisten a bandage or gauze rolled several times in the solution. Squeeze lightly, put it on your neck and hold for a maximum of an hour. Then wash the skin with warm soapy water and rub with a towel.
Grate or chop a black radish larger than medium in size. Add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and honey (preferably thick), mix well. Spread the resulting mass on the back of the neck, cover with polyethylene and cotton cloth. Hold for a maximum of one hour, then rinse the compress with warm water.
Horseradish leaves
This is one of the simplest folk recipes that requires only one or a few horseradish leaves. It is steamed with boiling water and applied to the back of the neck. The procedure is recommended to be done at night, so you must carefully wrap the leaves with a scarf.
Honey with potatoes
2 raw potatoes, peel, grate or chop otherwise. Squeeze a little juice and add 1 tablespoon of honey. Wrap the resulting mass with a bandage or gauze, fasten it to the neck and fix it with a bandage, laying a transparent foil under it. The duration of the procedure is 2 hours. The course of treatment consists of 10-15 applications.
Ozokerite Covers

Ozokerite or mountain wax compresses relieve pain, have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and light compress effect. This substance has a low thermal conductivity with a large heat capacity, due to which it deeply heats the tissues and enriches them with oxygen and minerals.
Ozokerite is successfully used not only for cervical, but also for osteochondrosis of the chest. First, a small amount of wax should be dissolved - about 30 g, and then poured into a container on the bottom of which a film should be placed in advance. Then wait until it cools to a comfortable temperature and wrap the neck with a film of melted warm wax. The duration of the procedure is 1 hour, and the number of sessions is up to 20.
WARNING:should not be used in case of worsening of cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure.
Sour cream and comfrey
One large comfrey root is peeled and grated, then 1 tablespoon of low-fat sour cream is added to it. The mixture is evenly distributed around the neck and tightened as in the previous recipe. You must remove the dressing after about an hour. Usually, 10 procedures are enough to remove unpleasant sensations.
Honey and salt
Honey is mixed in equal proportions with salt and spread on the neck, covering the top with a cloth and cellophane. To enhance the effect, you can warm the wrap with a warm scarf or a fluffy scarf.
Folk remedies for cervical osteochondrosis include infusions of rubbing coltsfoot, celery, elderberry and pine needles. It is very useful to rub the juice of plantain, nettle, burdock and aloe in the area of the necklace.
Infusions and decoctions
Pine buds
Most infusions are best consumed 15-30 minutes before meals. The standard duration of treatment is usually 3 weeks.
Pine buds are combined with sugar in a ratio of 2: 1 and stored in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks. Take ½ teaspoons. by absorption in the mouth three times a day. This is a very good tool that allows you to achieve stable remission even in advanced forms of the disease.
For the preparation of the drug it is better to take kidneys of medium length, not more than 2 centimeters, because large kidneys contain less biologically active substances. They are collected in early spring, washed, dried and thoroughly chopped before use. The finished product turns brown and is stored for a long time due to phytoncides and other natural preservatives in the composition.
Pine and needles
1. l. pour the cones and needles with half a liter of boiling water and keep in a water bath for about half an hour. Then cool the finished soup, filter and divide into three parts, each of which is drunk within a day. To improve the taste and increase efficiency, you can add 1-2 tbsp. l. honey.
Cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, folk healers advise the treatment of various decoctions. They are prepared from yarrow, plantain, sweet clover, pomegranate, calendula and licorice. Almost all recipes are the same: 1 teaspoon is taken in a glass of boiling water. l. vegetable raw materials. Decoctions are most often consumed in 1/3 cup up to 3-4 times a day.
Sunflower roots

In a small bowl - a pot or sherpa - put 50 g of roots and pour a liter of water. After the mixture boils, simmer it for about 40 minutes. After cooling, take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times daily after meals. The course of treatment is one week.
Sunflower roots are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, but are especially rich in calcium, magnesium and potassium.
WARNING:Sunflower root decoction can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days.
Pour a glass of spruce or pine needles with a liter of boiling water and cook for half an hour. Drink a decoction of 1, 5 tbsp. l. 30-40 minutes after meals, within a month.
1. l. Boil dandelion flowers in a glass of hot water. After cooling, use the broth as a poultice, placing the flowers on gauze or soaking it in the solution. Hold for 15-20 minutes, and the whole course consists of 10-12 daily procedures.
To swallow, the same number of flowers must be boiled for 15 minutes and then drunk before meals three times a day.
Another medicine for internal intake is prepared from young flowers (around a glass), which are boiled in boiling water, dried and crushed. Add the juice of half a lemon and half a glass of honey. Take 1 tbsp. l. twice daily before meals. Store the sweet medicine in the refrigerator.
Monastic tea
Make this tea in a thermos with 1 teaspoon of herbs:
- Velcro;
- wheat grass;
- violets;
- veronica;
- Velcro;
- stripes.
Pour a liter of boiling water over the ingredients and leave for 3 hours. Drink as a tea, half a cup twice a day, after meals. To improve the taste, you can add wedges of honey or lemon to the drink.
In the case of osteochondrosis, a doctor who usually prescribes an ointment with anti-inflammatory, warming or analgesic effect. However, you can prepare it yourself at home using herbs and available food. Any oil, butter or vegetable is suitable for the base. You can add a selection of marigold, chamomile, eucalyptus, burdock, nettle or thyme.
Mustard-egg fat
Beat 3 egg whites with a mixer or whisk, add 50 grams of mustard powder and half a cup of butter. Mix everything and remove the ointment in a dark place for 12 hours, then lubricate the neck due to pain and stiffness.
To prepare the fat, combine 1 egg and 1 tbsp. l. vinegar, half a cup of oil and 1 tbsp. l. flour. After thorough mixing, remove the mass to a dark place, and after 2 days remove the film formed on the surface. It is advisable to use the product at night, rubbing it into the neck before bed.
Ginger ointment
Fresh ginger root is chopped in any suitable way - on a grater, in a blender or in a meat grinder - transferred to a grinder with 2 chopped garlic cloves and grind. Then butter is added. If desired, a drop of citrus essential oil can be added to enhance the aroma.

Warm bathing in the evening helps to fall asleep quickly, strengthens the immune system, improves blood circulation and nutrition of spinal structures. The effect of the procedure will be greatly enhanced if you add salt, herbal infusion or turpentine to the water.
Dust hay bath is an old method of treatment that has practically no contraindications and is useful for both sick and healthy people.
1. l. Dissolve the turpentine in half a glass of warm water and pour into the filled bath. It will make both white and yellow turpentine. Bath for 20-25 minutes, then be sure to rinse in the shower and rub with a terry towel.
Turpentine products, including baths, help reduce inflammation, activate blood circulation and stimulate the recovery processes of damaged and worn intervertebral discs.
ATTENTION:Turpentine treatment should be regular, of course. Individual procedures - baths or compresses - will give only a temporary and insignificant effect.
½ cups of sea salt, can be mixed with additives, dissolved in a liter of hot water and added to the general bath. The duration of the procedure is half an hour.
Herbal tea is brewed in a thermos that includes thyme, elecampane, birch buds, eucalyptus leaves and pine needles. If you take 1 tbsp. l. herbs, then a liter of water is needed. The mixture is infused for 3 hours, after which it is filtered and added to the bath. Take it for 30-40 minutes.
You can bathe with ordinary table salt, based on 1 kg of salt per 20 liters of water. Such concentrated salt baths are taken for 2 days in a row, and then a break of 1-3 days is made.